» News » Year 6 Virtual Open Evening – your questions answered

Year 6 Virtual Open Evening – your questions answered

08 October 2020  |  fnscreative

What difference has being part of Arete Learning Trust made?

The trust took over responsibility for the school in September 2019 and introduced a rapid improvement plan.  Support has included provision of additional staffing, resource, expertise and support from the other two schools and central staff, as well as funding external, independent professional development. The Local Governing Body was appointed as a committee of the trust and is able to concentrate its efforts on the teaching and learning while the trust provides and manages  all the services including H.R., marketing, Health & Safely, Business and Finance Management, Payroll etc. School leaders from all three schools collaborate to develop the very best practice and a team, led by the ALT Director of School Improvement, works closely with the school’s leaders to ensure the rapid improvement plan achieves the high standard of education we want for all our students, whatever their starting point.

How are the tutor groups organised?

We strive to take into account friendship groups when assigning children to a base group. However, as you will understand, your child’s education is paramount, and it may not always be possible for pupils to be in groups with a large number of friends.  The school liaises closely with the primary schools to make sure all children are placed in the most suitable environment.

What extra-curricular clubs are there and how does my child join?

There are lots of different sporting clubs including football, netball, cross country, table tennis, hockey, climbing, badminton, tennis, athletics and cricket.  There is a drama club which presents an annual production and students can join different musical groups  including choirs and instrumental ensembles.  All the clubs are easy to join, students just go along and sign up.  There is no cost to any clubs and we love seeing lots of students taking part.

Does the school offer rewards for students’ hard work?

Yes! We love to reward students who work hard, show kindness and  reflect our values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect. Rewards can be issued by all staff, during lessons and at social times. We also issue rewards for good attendance and punctuality. We are very keen to hear about our students’ successes outside of school and we celebrate achievements in tutor time, assemblies, celebrations and by sending postcards home.

How do I inform you of my child’s medical needs?

You will complete a Health Care Plan which will be included in your induction pack to let us know of any medical needs your child may have.  You can contact the school at any time if you need to update us.

Will the school know about my child’s special educational needs?

All the primaries will meet with our School SENCO and share relevant information with the school  but if you would like to discuss things further please do not hesitate to contact our SENCO, Miss Shallow (shallow.j@northallertonschool.org.uk).  Once your child has been allocated a place at Northallerton School, we try to make sure that any reviews which take place  have a member of our school SEND team present.

How does the school deal with bullying?

If you are worried that your child is getting bullied, then please get in touch with us. If we know about it, we can help resolve the situation quickly. It is important that your child is helped to recover from the situation and their needs are a priority. We favour an approach by which the bully and by-standers will be involved in finding positive solutions to the recipient’s unhappiness. We have a safeguarding team in place in school to help support all children. The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Sarah Bell.

Are all lessons in the tutor group or are subjects taught in ability groups?

In year 7, you will have the majority of your lessons in your tutor group, although some lessons, such as P.E. and technology are often mixed with another tutor group.  As you progress through the school, this will change and less lesson time will be spent with your tutor group.  Some subjects are taught in ability-based groups from Year 8.

Will my child be able to get a bus to school?

North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) provides free school transport to the catchment school or nearest school to your home if it is over the walking distances set out by law (3 miles for students in Year 7 to Year 11). You do not need to apply for free home to school transport –  NYCC will automatically assess your child’s eligibility and will send you a pass if you are eligible.
Please visit https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/school-transport-reception-year-11-children

Who can I talk to about issues my child has had with other students in the past.

Mr Myers is responsible for organising tutor groups, so the earlier he receives any information you feel is important about your child, the better, as once groups are organised it is much more difficult to make changes.  Mr Myers does meet with every Year 6 teacher and often headteachers to discuss all students before tutor groups are organised.

How do school lunches work?

The school runs a cashless system.  Students  have their  thumbprint taken  and then you are able to  ‘top up’ their account via parentpay and you pay for their lunch by scanning their thumb!  There is always a great selection for the students to choose from at both lunchtime and break time.  Students are also welcome to bring a packed lunch if they prefer.

How many lessons are there in a day?

The day starts with a 30 minute tutor group session, where students will do activities such as numeracy, accelerated reading and LIFE sessions). The school day is then divided into five one hour-long lessons. Unlike  primary school you will move to the teacher for different subjects. In recent years we have reduced the amount of movement to save learning time.

What subjects will be taught on the Year 7 curriculum?

English, maths, science, French, history, geography, RS, PE, music, art, technology, IT, drama and LIFE.

How can  my child get a chromebook? How much do they cost? How will my child use it in school?

We have a chromebook scheme that currently costs £10.79 per month. A significant number of our students in years 7, 8 and 9 have a chromebook or similar device, allowing them to access our curriculum whether they are at home or at school. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from students, parents and staff. Find more information on the Chromebook page of this website.

How do we sort out uniform?

The school uses SchoolShop as their uniform supplier.  They are an online supplier based in York.  You can follow the link from the website to access their shop.  There will also be an opportunity, in school, for you to try the uniform on for size.

What is the school P.E. kit and how do we order it?

You can find the full list of uniform, including PE kit, on the uniform page of this website. The school uses SchoolShop as their uniform supplier.  They are an online supplier based in York.  You can follow the link from the website to access their shop.  There will also be an opportunity, in school, for you to try the uniform on for size.

If your questions have not been answered above please send them to openevening@northallertonschool.org.uk

We would like you to tell us if you found the Year 6 Open Evening informative or if you feel we could have done things better. Please click on the link to leave your feedback https://forms.gle/MeoxdoQsi1pkDprK6 

If you have not had a response to a question following the virtual Y6 open evening, it may be that we do not have an email address for you. Please resend your question to  openevening@northallertonschool.org.uk and we will respond to you. Thank you.

If you missed the live event please follow the link to view: www.explorenorthallerton.org

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