» News » World Book Day Thoroughly Celebrated!

World Book Day Thoroughly Celebrated!

21 March 2023  |  fnscreative

Northallerton School staff and students celebrated the important literary milestone of World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March by competing in the ‘Guess the Reader’ quiz where staff used their favourite book to obscure their faces for a picture quiz, and the whole school came together to enjoy a short story in a day, with one section read out every session from morning registration until period 5. Both features were a great success and we hope to repeat them in the future to continue to inspire a love of reading across all our Year groups. Quiz winning forms all received a box of chocolates to enjoy. They were:

Year 11: 11EMY with 17/19

Year 9: 9SRI with 14/19

Year 8: 8KWI with 17/19

Year 7: 7AST and 7FFA tied in first place with 14/19

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