» Sixth Form » Transport


Sixth Form students can travel on the school buses but a bus permit needs to be applied for and purchased from North Yorkshire County Council.

The current annual cost for a bus permit is £618. Some students can receive assistance with these costs if they are eligible for the sixth form bursary.  Students eligible for a post-16 travel permit who also qualify for funding from the 16-19 bursary fund should notify the school of their transport arrangements as soon as possible. This will enable the school to liaise with the post-16 transport team to organise payment for the permit on their behalf.

Post-16 Paid Travel Permits

This is a scheme run by North Yorkshire County Council that provides subsidised assistance with transport for eligible students aged 16-19 years (18 years at the start of their course). Applications can be made online at any time but should be submitted before 31st July in order to receive a pass before the start of term.

Full details can be viewed by following this link https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/transport-sixth-form-or-college to the Council’s website.

It is recommended that all students who think they meet the eligibility criteria for a post-16 paid travel permit contact the post-16 transport team on 01609 533693 or email: post16@northyorks.gov.uk as soon as possible prior to seeking a place to travel on college transport.

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