» Sixth Form » Careers » Work Experience

Work Experience


If you are an employer in the local area, a parent who runs a business, or know anyone who would like to support any work experience placements or activities at our school please complete the google form  below and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible!


Employer interest form


Click here to go to the Unifrog page.


Work experience is valuable for all students. It gives an insight into a professional field and can also look impressive on a CV and Personal Statement. 


  • Unifrog have created a set of guides about placements which you can find here
  • Within this set of guides, this is the best one to start with (it includes a short animation of how the whole process works).
  • Next we recommend looking at this one, because it includes advice on how to find a placement.


It can sometimes be difficult to think of work experience ideas. Try and be creative and think of jobs in the field of work you may want to enter. 


Here are some work experience examples which could be relevant to your subject:

  • Museum, archive office, National Trust site, archaeological digs (History, Classics)
  • Gallery, workshop, branding department of a company, architect (Art, Design)
  • Talent agency, backstage theatre work (Drama)
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), translating company, journalism, broadcasting, library, publishing company (English Literature, Modern Languages)
  • Water works, research and development department at a local factory, green energy, oil and gas company (Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Engineering)
  • Pharmaceutical company, dental practice, nursing home, hospital or GP clinic (Medical Sciences and Human Biology)
  • App development company, IT security company, school IT department (Computer Sciences)
  • Automobile and aviation manufacturers (Maths, Physics and Astronomy)
  • Teaching your subject to younger students at school, writing articles for a blog or student magazine, starting a society or study group (All subjects)


Students need to agree to the placement with the employer first, and then students will get the ball rolling by adding the placement to their Unifrog account (they’ll find the Placements tool on their Unifrog homepage). 


The Unifrog system will then email the employer, the parent / guardian, and the school, to collect the necessary information and permissions. For the process to work, it’s essential that students add the initial information about the placement accurately.


Parent login:

Go to www.unifrog.org/student and click ‘Sign in for the first time’


You’ll be asked for some details and a form code. The form code will be sent via the careers team around the time of the work experience launch to students. 


After signing up, log into Unifrog using your email address and password via the student sign-in page!


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